Right there with you. F*ck the whole notion of "respecting those in uniform" or "authority figures". What? Hell nah. I'll respect people who respect people. And I won't respect those who don't. #MoveAsideGaslighting #NotToday

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Totally there with you. I can respect the hard work one has put into reaching a position/career/etc but a prick is a prick every day of the week

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AND weekends!

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I can see straight through people, but I am also incredibly bad at acting. I can fake it with some people, but others....wow....having to act all nice and stuff when you just know how that person really thinks, hate it!

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Omg girl YES! Seeing right through people is a gift and sort of a curse, but mostly a gift LOL. My facial expressions have to be checked sometimes because I can’t fake the funk for longer than an initial greeting I think.

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YES, I TOTALLY believe in the good feel! I think our instincts are always right. I was in a bra store with my friend recently and she seemed to really like the lady helping her, but I just got a bad vibe. Sure enough, when my friend came out of the dressing room and I asked how it went, she said, "That lady turned into a superc*nt!" Like - I KNEW it! I think we should always trust our gut!!!

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I never understood the fawning over doctors. They are just the mechanics of the body and a lot of them overcharge and give out bad advice just the same as car mechanics. (They’re not all bad but I’ve had my fair share of experiences having to correct doctors/mechanics, -I live in the USA 😭)

I love that you call it the good feel. Perfect name. I have very low tolerance for rudeness and the gross adherence to some fake hierarchy society loves to place on professions. It’s absurd . I’m glad you didn’t offer up your mask. I pay close to attention to how people treat admins. I worked as one when I was younger and it was always the most insecure assholes that were the most rude.

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FAWNING! YES! That is the perfect descriptor. UGH! So much fawning over them, it's so icky. And yes, of course, not all of them are bad...but they're still people! With everyday people problems and thoughts and a lot of them literally think they are God and make assumptions right out of the gate without listening. It's terrible.

Anyway, yess I love good feel too, thanks girl! Rudeness is also something I cannot stand, the lack of decorum in the world now is appalling. I'm ready to give up my stint in admin roles because it's all just getting to be too much. In addition to dealing with entitlement, the setting can be quite depressing as well

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