Jun 4Liked by Kathleen

This whole thing made me think of the outtakes at the end of Toy Story 2, when the Barbie is smiling and smiling and smiling and then goes "are they gone? Oh my god my cheeks are KILLING ME I can't keep doing this."

I have major RBF, and some days I just can't be bothered to emote further than RBF for anyone but my kids (who I will always muster a smile for, even if just so they don't grow up feeling like I'm cranky all the time, haha). Sometimes your cup is just empty, and that needs to be OK. Great post

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Behind on replying to this, BABY BRAIN, as you have so perfectly branded. More like toddler brain for me now LOLLL. I have major RBF too, especially in the week leading up to my period omg....I am so aware of how much of a bitch I can be that the smiles go from cheeky to real thin and short lived.

Same here though, I'll always smile for my kids lol

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lol omg smiling as a parent - i thought it was just me! i feel so seen

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Lollllll it’s a LOT!! And most of the time I love it and I really am smiling because whatever my kids are doing is probably really sweet, but yeesh, after a weekend of smiling, that Monday at the office might start a bit slow

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Spending the night at my parents place and waking up in my childhood home. Family time is truly blissful, until it isn't.

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Lol there’s usually a time limit, right?

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Dina Ögon—what a vibe! Thank you for sharing that.

That TikTok was so sweet and pure and funny. And it loosened up something in me. Jostled around some of that self-doubt.

I unfortunately have the opposite of a RBF most of the time and as my husband recently said, “it invites all types.” Which is accurate AF. That isn’t to say I can go cold as hell at times, I most definitely can but my resting one is damn near delusional. It’s honestly a problem.

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Ahh I'm glad you liked it! That TT had come up on my feed at the exact time I needed to hear it. LOL, inviting all types omg, I totally know what you mean!! This is so relatable as my husband has said it about me AND our son as well. He says, "all the crazies come and talk to you and ask you for change", or when we're at the mall, people always stop me to ask where the bathroom is! LOLLL I'm like, do I look like I work here? I don't understand

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Sameeeeeeeee. I appear to be the customer service representative for every place I go.

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